tentang diri saya bro

My name deni, friends can call me deni course, I come from Pekanbaru birth: pekanbaru, dated eleven December, the month of December, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five  . My address in muarafajar in the bypass Chevron (minas), my hobby is motor racing and we are not means a motorcycle gang yesI also like gardening vegetables for their own consumption.It's just our hobby is expensive bro, but a challenge to the lives of too hehe. We have 3 brothers and my guys all the tablets of the youngest child, said the youngest child tasty but what, in fact the opposite of his tablets even destitute, I studied at the faculty yellow sassy FKIP biology majors.Imagine me of SMK go into biology really confusing really is the lesson but because I wanted to understand so I can learn little by little, and I have every holiday activities ya bro ie wash motors, yes for a side looking for the money goes. Washing of motor itself why not work with people. I graduated school in 2014 after my graduation I opened the laundry smk motorcycle around the house bro, it is nice to own businesses do not exist that govern us. to your friends if you want to wash it all motors come just to wash deni friendly price.

3 komentar:

  1. i like your blog and i suggest to omited some widget that useless in your blog

  2. thanks for comment my blog 😝😊😃

  3. kakak #juliaesti ada tamplate yg keren gak:)


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